
Multiple Birth SA provides a variety of services for multiple birth families which are summarised below and detailed in our brochure. Join us today to access our members only services.

If you have any questions about any of these services please contact us.

Home Help Service

The Home Help Service supports South Australian families with twins, triplets or more, by providing free home visits from caring professionals when the babies are young. The program is available for all SA residents, including rural families. Read more about this amazing service.


Being a member of Multiple Birth SA will save you money in so many ways, including:

Login to our membership portal to find your membership card and details about how to access these benefits and many more.

Free breastfeeding pillow hire

We have breastfeeding pillows (including Twin Z and the firmer My Brest Friend & U shaped pillows) available for MBSA members to borrow for free. If you want to know more about the different pillow types and how they could work for you and your babies, a detailed comparison article can be found here.

Login to our membership portal and go to the shop to view the current stock or contact us if you have any questions.


MBSA holds a variety of events throughout the year including information sessions, social catch ups on evenings and weekends, a family fun day for Multiple Birth Awareness Week and the fabulous Christmas party. These events are completely free (or heavily subsidised) for members.

Members only Facebook forums

"I have never been a member of a forum and I am a rather silent member of the group. However coming on here and reading others experiences when I was at my absolute wits end (when the twins were around 8 weeks old) was just a life saver. I could see there were others who had been here and survived. Some of the comments even turned my tears into laughter. It has just been the best thing I could have done. Thank you MBSA!"

Private groups on Facebook for Multiple Birth SA members where you can ask questions, find loads of useful tips and keep up to date on all the latest goings on:

  • General members only forum which is a safe, supportive sanctuary for members to ask questions, seek advice and support each other without fear of judgement, criticism or condemnation,
  • For those with older children we have our school aged multiples page to talk about issues faced by older multiples,
  • And last but not least, we have a sales page for members and ex-members where you can buy, sell & give from the Multiple Birth SA community. This is a great place to pick up a bargain times two or three! Not to mention making some money from those items that you no longer need.

Multiple birth specific information

Free sleep consultant webinars

Members get free access to a set of three multiple birth specific sleep talks with a qualified sleep consultant (no – this is not about “crying it out”) for the following age groups:

  • 0 – 7 month olds,
  • 8 months to 2 years &
  • 2 years to 4 years of age.

These sessions usually costs $39 so this is great member value! They are available on demand on our main members only Facebook forum.

Free multiples starting school webinar

With four experienced panelists, from teachers to parents, providing their insight on multiples starting school, this session offers some very valuable information. This is available on demand on our main members only Facebook forum.

Other free webinars

MBSA is affiliated with the Australian Multiple Birth Association and so our members get access to their suite of on demand webinars with topics including the first year of multiples, special needs, perinatal depression and more. These are generally $20 per session but MBSA members can watch them for free with the discount codes provided when you join.

Peer Support

Support is available from our friendly volunteers and our understanding members. If you need help or have a question please do not hesitate to contact us or put an inquiry through our Facebook page.

Our membership base includes many families who have faced similar experiences such as

  • premature birth,
  • having triplets,
  • coping with post-natal depression,
  • being a single parent, and
  • being dad or non-birth partner.

And our members are always ready to support each other so if you want to talk, there will always be a friendly ear to listen.


The Multiple Mag provides personal stories and anecdotes from members, details of up coming events and general Multiple Birth SA news to your inbox on a monthly basis.

Multiple birth groups

There are many unstructured playgroups throughout the state for multiple birth families run by Children’s Centres and others. These groups are safe, supportive spaces across the state for families with twins, triplets and more to connect with other families. There’s probably one near you where you can meet other families face to face, get support and make some new life long friends. You can find the full list here.

Multiple birth specific antenatal sessions

MBSA does not provide these classes but we highly recommend attending one by about 30 weeks as multiples often come early! Classes for expectant multiple birth parents are held at some major public hospitals. Classes are open to all expectant parents regardless of where you are planning on birthing.